Ryan Turner

Ryan Turner
Home Town: Huntington Beach, California.
Ryan Turner grew up at the center of the modern surfing world in Huntington Beach California. With younger brother Timmy, life from an early age was about the beach and surfing. His parents business, The Sugar Shack, is just a hundred yards fro HB Pier so the beach became a natural playground, until they were old enough to have to start putting in some hours at The Shack themselves. Part of the Huntington Beach High School surf team, Ryan enjoyed a lot of junior surf contest success, but as he got older it was travel and surfing solid barrels which focused his surfing talent.
It doesn’t matter where you put Ryan, Mexico, Canada or Indonesia the chances are he will be the man notching up the most tube time. It is this reputation for tube riding which sees him getting an invite to the Padang Padang Cup every year. He proved in 2009 that he is up there with the world’s best tube riders, losing only in the Semi final to Jamie O’Brien, by less than two points to claim an equal third.
In 2016 Ryan was inducted into the Surfing Hall of Fame in Huntington Beach, California.
When he isn’t getting shacked in Mexico or Indo, Ryan is back in HB, surfing the pier, pulling shifts in the family restaurant The Sugar Shack and hanging with his wife and family.
Ryan Turner's 2nd Perfect 10 in one heat at the Rip Curl Padang Padang Contest.

Ryan riding Lunasurf